Friday, November 20, 2009

If I download IE 7 will it overwtite IE 6?

Yes it will. However, if you're looking for an improved browser, get Firefox. Far more secure, easy to use, and with it's extensions and plug-ins, highly customizable. IE7 has extensions available, but you have to pay for the good ones, Firefox and all its extensions are free.

If I download IE 7 will it overwtite IE 6?microsoft zune

Simple answer. Yes!

If I download IE 7 will it overwtite IE 6?windows nt internet explorer

dont do that ... ie7 isnt any good from all the problems i hear of ... try firefox or opera instead and theyll leave ie6 intact ..
yes, IE 7 is the new version of internet explorer.. so therefor your internet explorer 6 will go away
Yes, don't uninstall anything just shove in your new disc and let it do it's magic.
I believe so, but I wish I kinda still had version 6. cb
hey man don't use ie 7 because it'll give u many spyware and viruses

use firefox or opera

i personaly use firefox

because more safe browsing and less bugs

also if there are sites that require ie get the ie tab extenison

u could costimize it and do all sorts of stuff with it

take my word for it i 've been using it for 3 years and its great

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