Friday, November 27, 2009

Hi I live in Ontario, Canada I need to know if there's anyone or creditor's find out perso

I need to know if somebody has website with info on ,homeowner's .ie...

Can any agency (collection agency, banks,lawyers,social servies,gov look in finding if person is homeowner?

My best/f bought home ,she had to leave the mobile home that was purchased in 2000 by both ,x is buyer ,her co-buy ,she payed all payments including 10.000.00 downpayment,health condition has become chronic due to the dampness of all yr vacancy.

She in turn purchased a house ,couldn't pay both ,(she on disability)

loan is not paid on mobile ,couldnt do both,the bank and collection ppl are calling big time wanting $,still outstanding 35,000,00

X is not coming forward ,is leaving her holdin the bag,,Can any of the agency's look into her part of being a homeowner now,and putting a lien, the home is with 3 ppl as buyer's.

I want to know ,who , how can this info be found out,(with her name on house as a homeowner wit 2 other ppl)

Wouldnt x be responsible for payment's to.

What can happen here,

Hi I live in Ontario, Canada I need to know if there's anyone or creditor's find out personal 2000

Banks loan money on a trailer not in the mortgage form. It is like a car loan. The banks loan money on a house in a mortgage and usually can take the home for non-payment. The trailer is not a house. All co signers owe the bank for the loan... no one wants the trailer. Canada is too cold for a trailer .

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