Sunday, November 29, 2009

Is there a way to vary an inline frame according to the chid page height? Works in IE, not Firefox..

This works in IE but not Firefox...

Is there a way to vary an inline frame according to the chid page height? Works in IE, not Firefox...?microsoft

Rich, she's talking about an iframe, not frames used for an entire layout.

I know widths declared in percentages works, but have you tried the height declared that way too? Worth a try I guess.

Adding this - looks like height="80%" or whatever should work. Iframe options listed below:


align="bottom | left | middle | right | top"**

class="class name(s)"**

frameborder="0 | 1"**

height="% | pixels"**

id="unique identifier"**





scrolling="auto | no | yes"**


style="style information"**


width="% | pixels"**



Is there a way to vary an inline frame according to the chid page height? Works in IE, not Firefox...?microsoft access internet explorer

Don't use frames is my best answer. Use CSS and you will have cross browser control over all elements!

Take a look at to download some free css templates to play with.

CSS is what the W3C recommend for future compliance, frames are....well....dead....

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