Sunday, November 29, 2009

Could any web designers tell me how to make my website look the same in both Firefox and IE?

I was curious if anyone knew the secret of making your website look exactly the same in both Firefox and Internet Explorer. In IE my website has additional spaces that aren't on Firefox.

Could any web designers tell me how to make my website look the same in both Firefox and IE?microsoft outlook

generally, if your website is w3c valid, it would be ok in most browsers, - but there is the odd occasion that its not true, to see your specific problem, i would need a link to your website

Could any web designers tell me how to make my website look the same in both Firefox and IE?windows messenger internet explorer

Internet Explorer %26amp; CSS issues
You need to study the html standards, IE does not comply very well with the official standards, but most listings show the differences. Also IE does not handle poorly code pages well, Firefox is a bit more intelligent.
The "secret" really is not a secret anymore. It's all in using separate stylesheets for Internet Explorer and their different versions. Then in your main template or you .html page, you stick in a conditional comment after the main stylesheet in your code like this:

%26lt;link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" type="text/css" /%26gt;

%26lt;!--[if lt IE 6]%26gt;

%26lt;link rel="stylesheet" href="boxmodel.css" type="text/css" /%26gt;


That conditional comment tells the browser that if the browser is MSIE6, then use the "boxmodel.css" stylesheet to override the "styles.css" stylesheet.

MSIE6 will use the "styles.css" stylesheet, but anything you place in the "boxmodel.css" stylesheet will override the "styles.css" stylesheet.

Here's a great link to learn how this is done.

It takes a lot of time to get things "pixel perfect" across all the major browsers, but in time, you can do it 9 times out of 10 if not all the time.

Good Luck!
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