Sunday, November 29, 2009

Why do agencies and employers have such anal daft attiudes to mobile phone use it does not work?ie p

Whats with the stupid anal rules against phones and it being unprofessional ?ie no phone use at all

Lets see what would happen if people actually followed this rule and acted professional....

Firstly all would be evicted or reposessed as they would never get any work...

Why well how are agencies to call them during work hours to offer them work and how are they to ask for work if no mobiles.?

Wait for breaks?

Get real agencies dont wait if you dont call or text straight away they offer it to someone else. They aint gonner wait around 4 hours till your lunch break.

They need to find someone straight away possibly thousands to a deadline.

So how do you get food, rent, bills etc... let alone a life when you get virtually no work.

How are you to call in for times, for work details, especailly when all that often has to be done between 5 and 6?

How are team leaders to contact and locate workers on a location say leafletting a stadium say for lunch or other

Why do agencies and employers have such anal daft attiudes to mobile phone use it does not work?ie promo/extrawindows defender

What ARE you going on about?

Why do agencies and employers have such anal daft attiudes to mobile phone use it does not work?ie promo/extrawindows updates internet explorer


but those are the rules

If you don't like them, go somewhere else.

If you must take personal calls while at work get a hands free kit so that you can carry on working while answering.
If a phone is necessary for your work the company will provide it. Otherwise you'll be gabbing when you are supposed to work. Are these personal calls?

If you are supposed to make calls for work then the company will supply you with a phone. All those "examples" (?) you give sound kinda flakey. If you need to talk to these agencies for your job then you will do so, but if you are looking for another job (employment agency), yes it'll have to wait for break.

Whole question sounds "fishy" to me.
I think the questions you are being asked have less to do with reading and more to do with you explaining your occupation.

It seems that you are working on a temporary or other assignment in which you need to move from one workplace to another given the opportunities that arise at the end of the day.

If this is the case, I'd just ignore the rules of the place you're working at (since you won't be there the next day) and take the call to insure your income.

If the call interrupts your work, put a little extra time in at the end of the day.
Companies have rules about mobile phone use for two main reasons:

* Employee productivity: with a view that whilst being employeed by a particularly company, they are paying you to work for them and not to contact other people.

* Public image: it is widely viewed as unprofessional to be taking personal calls in the work place. This is particularly appropriate in customer facing environments.

Whilst these are the main reasons, aspects like security and proximity to sensative machinery (i.e. in hospitals) can form part of an employers policy.

Furthermore, regarding your reference to agencies, employment agencies from time to time make requirements like this for people they place in workplaces as they like to promise a standard level of professionalism from their workers. Not, quite importantly, people who will turn up and talk on their phone instead of working.

Finally! Not all employers have "anal" policies, in fact most don't! Indeed, the vast majority have enough trust in their employees to behave responsibly and respect them whilst on work time.

If they do have a policy like this in place it is probably born out of negative experiences rather than wanting to lower morale. Employers have absolutely no obligation to pay you whilst you are speaking to someone else about another job. If you think this is an important enough issue, then I suggest you enquire ahead of taking a job as to whether or not you can use your phone.

I doubt mobile phone usage policies are creating many starving homeless people.

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