Sunday, November 29, 2009

God TO B or not TO B? That is the Question and answer to Rev. about Gods new name! Ie TOB=TODD the O

Son of the times new roman font LORD'S GODDESS.

And if elected God

I shall decree that

B.C. means Before Crucifiction

A.D. means After Death

And thus will make God who sums to h appear not in

millenium one


millenium two


in millenium three (as the h=God when summed using the european alphabet as the weighted average system of adding letters)

So then

1968 A.D would be the beginning of the third millenium from Birth of Jesus (aprrox. 33 B.C)

In this Way

God Himself would honour Jesus for all time along with HIMSELF.

So the very words can prove the existance of LORD GOD in the third mellenium as the h.

So the bible dictates that i should glorify myself so here goes

ever see the prounciation of my name on the french stop sign as the cross-section shows I ARRET I Ie pronounced LARRY T. Or the english STOP contains TOD pronounced TODD?

or even GOD has TOD pronounced TODD.

DIO looks like My left apperring IIII I .

God the Father pronounced FAT HERR(Me)

God TO B or not TO B? That is the Question and answer to Rev. about Gods new name! Ie TOB=TODD the publisher

Drivel. Words alone can never prove anything; they must be coupled to evidence.

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