Sunday, November 29, 2009

I'm trying to make operable an older pc for donation. When I try downloading/upgrading from IE

This pc I'm tryin fix is HP Pavilion 7370V w/original OEM Win/95 that has a install program of W/ME that was on it when I was given it, but no CDs or other install info. I re-installed ME because of missing files, and it has IE 5.5 but it has probs. I dowlnloaded IE6 setup nad was planning on installing SP1 Serv Pck, but it stops at 85%, or on ocassion says previous attempt incomplete restart to finish, but then goes to 85%. ANY CLUES as to why?

Secondly, If I purchase Windows Student/Teacher Edition as an instructor (discount) and install it, will it install if I remove current OS and does it have complete Windows OS pkg or just office products. Can I install it and be able to access web, email, etc.?

(I tried Firefox didn't like and had probs, so not an option, thx.)

I'm trying to make operable an older pc for donation. When I try downloading/upgrading from IE 5.5 to 6.0, itwindows vista

You need to make sure that the IE 6.0 youre trying to install is the upgrade version. You might want to just go to control panel and then add/remove programs and uninstall IE 5.5 then install 6.0 from scratch. If it stalls again, then try installing the 7.0 version instead. Make sure you get the download from Once you install 6.0, you should be able to go to microsoft again and do an update and it should install SP1 for you.

If you have the Teachers Edition, you will be able to install it to a limited number of computers. It will have the entire Windows reinstalled into your computer. You will be able to access web since all Microsoft Windows products come standard with IE.

I'm trying to make operable an older pc for donation. When I try downloading/upgrading from IE 5.5 to 6.0, itwindows defender internet explorer

Part1 - The computer ur working with must meet minimum reqs. by MS as to being able to run IE 6.0. Memory, storage, and CPU speed are all critical. Check the MS web site for IE 6.0 and note the min reqs. Check with Netscape, Opera, Mozillia for older releases.

Part 2 - Carefull as to packaging. Window Student/Teacher edition currently in most stores is the Windows Office and not an operating system! You need both an OS and Office.

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