Friday, November 27, 2009

When will you racists admit you hate God the Fat'her and love A'bad'don of the abyss(

truth hurts you devil worshippers, doesn't it.

Pauly of goodfellas was an italians vain attempt to be german ie the man in oven thing just like those english and their white(blondish) wigs were english's vain attempt to be german. admitt it you all want to be part of the master race. Some are born into the master race but like the soldier who bought his roman citezenship some are smart enough to buy their way in.

When will you racists admit you hate God the Fat'her and love A'bad'don of the abyss(ie Satan of hell)?replacement windows

I'll may admit it as soon as you admit that you are Beelzebub.

When will you racists admit you hate God the Fat'her and love A'bad'don of the abyss(ie Satan of hell)?windows mail internet explorer

hmmmmm Hey butthead, I think this is a chick!
do you mean there are no christian racists? HA HA you are sadly mistaken my friend. look around you. why did the KKK use CROSSES to burn on lawns ?
sorry ! I don't hate God or the devil, how could i hate imaginative beings?.

I do feel a mixture of sorrow and mockery at the way ignorant people spend their life in useless, superstitious worship.
Stay offline when you're stoned.
Blimey mate, get out more. Look, your obviously well wrapped up in this religion tosh which is a great waste of life. Bike yourself a pushbike. Go for a ride. Breath a little reality.

Ta ta!
Is there some kind of point to this diatribe, or are you simply spouting nonsensical drivel? I can't tell.

They won't admit to either nor something that they used to believe in. They have been given over to reprobate minds.

It is really hard to build up a hatred for imaginary beings like "GOD" for example. Other than that all I can say is that your question reveals you to be a deeply mentally ill human being. You clearly are delusional with visions of some supposed persecution,you need help and you need it soon. I hope you get it before you become yet another example of some crazed Christian fanatic,blowing up an abortion clinic or something. May you get the help you clearly need and if I were you I would go and commit myself right away,why risk hurting someone.

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