Sunday, November 29, 2009

How honestly can you burn in hell, if your body is not in a corporeal state (physical form, IE Flesh

How honestly can you burn in hell, if your body is not in a corporeal state (physical form, IE Fleshy)?

I want all particapent to be aware that there answers will be published if good enough so you can put you real name or a nick name at the bottom. (only 5 particapent will be chosen)

How honestly can you burn in hell, if your body is not in a corporeal state (physical form, IE Fleshy)?microsoft office 2007

Oh, didn't you hear it? Now they're saying that the torture of hell is not that you'll actually burn, but that you'll be departed from your beloved god. I say if you've lived your life away from god, why would you want to be next to him (even assuming he existed) for the rest of eternity? Hell rocks!

Nickname: eduarodi.

NB: If you decided to pick my answer (which I'm sure you won't, anyway) I will give you my name in private. Contact me through my profile page.

How honestly can you burn in hell, if your body is not in a corporeal state (physical form, IE Fleshy)?windows media internet explorer

your soul will burn
Ur body will be in physical state. And then it will burn, till u turn to bones.

Your soul will be tormented.

How can you say your heart will break when it has no bones? Yet, you feel that spiritual pain. The soul is no different than that
You can't. That is why they call it fiction in the library.
Because "burn in hell" is an expression, not a literal statement. It probably comes from the idea that hell is all fire and lava.
Well, I think it is meant as a formless "burn" in that it is your soul is burning, not your real body.

While I disagree in the existence of a soul, I am only trying to explain what I understand a certain view is.

Possibly, when people say burn, they really mean, to suffer for eternity or to feel mental anguish for eternity. I doubt they specifically meant burning physically.
There may be a psychological suffering which feels as bad as burning. It may be a pain which eats at the nerves but does not ever destroy the consciousness.

My nick is "caf茅 ground zero."
You can't die in Hell, so you can't burn up. It will be a never-ending death. Flesh burns up. The soul doesn't.
Perhaps it will be similar to the "Burning Bush" mentioned in the Old Testament whereby it was burning but not consumed. Certainly not a place whereby I want to spend eternity.
When you die and your body turns to dust God will give you an eternal body with feeling, and you will say when that happens WOW ITS HOT HERE CAN SOMEBODY GIVE ME A DRINK
I'm not sure what you mean by published, especially since it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know the answer. When the Bible talks about hell burning with fire, it is a metaphor for the judgment of God. It does not mean a literal burning of our body, nor does it mean a burning of our soul. It is simply referring to the judgment of God. There are many other times in the Scriptures where the judgment of God is referred to as fire.

People who believe that hell is a literal place of burning are unlearned in the Scriptures, and unfortunately, some of them seem to take pleasure in telling people that if they don't come to God their flesh will burn and blister and smell forever. They have missed the point entirely, and they have a lack of love for other people as well.
you can't burn in hell. hell isn't real. its a scare tactic to convert you to christianity.
As I understand it, Hell is a permanent separation from God. I'm not sure that you would actually burn.
You will have your physical body at the resurrection, and at judgment. Those banished to hell will not literally burn - but their mind and conscience will burn and they will weep and gnash their teeth knowing that they could have done better, and ended up in a better place. Hell will be a state of mind - the searing of your conscience forever.
Ok, speaking from a Biblical standpoint, our bodies are of flesh now. Right ? When we die, it turns to dust.

Jesus will make our bodies whole again when He returns. The saved will be resurrected 1000 years before the unsaved.

The saved will be given a new, perfect body- like God's.

The unjust will be resurrected too, amde whole again and judged at the "White Throne Judgement"; they will be thrown into 'Gehenna'/ the Lake of Fire. They will burn UP like chaff, which is the garbage left over from harvesting wheat. It burns up in an instant, not forever in torment, like MOST Organized Churches want you to believe. If people knew the truth, wold they give ALL of that money to the Churches ? NO ! And this is why the preiests don't teach what the Bible states, they only preach what fits their agenda. AND they know that people are generally lazy and won't check it for themselves, which is 90% true !

Hope that helps. - ok ?
I think the term 'burn in hell' came from when the Catholic Church (which was also government at the time)...., in an effort to convert druids and pagans to the powers of Church and Government,...put anyone unwilling to convert thier beliefs on 'trial' for being a 'witch'. Those who didn't convert were 'burnt to death' as punishment...thereby inspiring that WONDERFUL christian ideal, that sinners 'burn in hell'....when they 'actually' just burned in Church.
What makes you assume that you'll be in the "flesh" in hell? Don't let Hollywood and horror movies mislead you. The flesh returns to dust.
it will be your soul that burm and r going to feel by this soul
the inventors of the bible were actually not very intelligent to think about different states...

they imagined that we will all have our physical bodies, hence there were some people to were "snatched" into heaven, body and all

it would be pretty hard to punish anyone without the physical burn of fire if they were not physical.

and falling in an endless pit is a scary thought for an unintelligent person, but if you think well, it's pretty much like floating endlessly.
Whether the flames of hell are literal or figurative, I don't know and I don't plan on finding out. What I do know is that hell is a place of anguish. It might be spiritual anguish, but that's just as bad a physical anguish. Hell is eternal separation from God.

But the good news is nobody has to go there. Jesus Christ died to save sinners like you and me from hell.
The teaching of 'hellfire' is false. Hell [ in the Bible, Hades] cannot be a permanent place of torment, because Revelation 20;14 states that both death and Hades will be done away with. Cast into the ' lake of fire'

This is supported by Revelation 21;4. Where death and sickness will be done away with. What always goes with death?..It is mans grave. Whether in a cemetery or in the ocean.

Revelation 20; 12 %26amp; 13 mention both.

As to where the idea of a fiery place of eternal torment came from....(Revelation 20:10) And the Devil who was misleading them was hurled into the lake of fire and sulphur, where both the wild beast and the false prophet [already were]; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.

This is the same 'place' or condition . The lake of fire. It is not literal, but is symbolic of total destruction or rendering un-usable.

Satan, his demons, death, Hades, the wild beast and the false prophet all have the same outcome. They will be done away with.
You were not flesh before you arrived on Earth. But you feel pain here, you can be burned, the difference is eventually your physical body will die if under a constant flame. In hell your suffering will not end, because your physical body is already dead. Why is hell such a hard concept for people to grasp? The sun has been burning for millions of years,it hasn't went away, it still burns. Try not to limit your thinking to earthly things. None of us know what exactly will happen in heaven or hell. But why take chances with your immortal soul? Do you think our universe is an accident. Gee we have food to eat, water to drink, air to breathe. How nice that those things just popped up here by accident. Why would those things be here without a reason? What would you have said if we lived in the year 2000 bc, and I told you the earth was round, and there are several planets that rotate around the sun. There are millions of galaxies, just like ours. You would have not believed me, because although you can see stars in the sky, you really don't know what they are, or why they are there. As humans we only want to believe in things we can touch, taste, or feel here and now. If we can't explain it rationally then we refuse to believe it. OPEN YOUR MIND.

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