Wednesday, November 25, 2009

IE error "must close" encountered when URL input.Tried IE 7 update,virus scan. What intern

IE 7 is a total disaster - the number of people on here complaining about it and asking for help. Your best solution is just uninstall it - or do a system restore back to before you installed it and go back to the pervious version. don't upgrade stuff from microsfot until it's been well tested and a second version has come out - the software is always full of bugs and can trash your machine.

IE error "must close" encountered when URL input.Tried IE 7 update,virus scan. What internet setting s/b set?internet explorer 7

I don't think i can answer you're question, but i can recomend Firefox! its a better browser than IE, attracts less viruses, and looks better. check it out.

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