Friday, November 27, 2009

In Firefox if I use css there is a large gap between p tags, how to make it like IE?

Hello. I want to make one of my pages look the same in IE and FF. There is something wrong with FF, consider these tags:

%26lt;p id="h1"%26gt;Hi, I'm a title%26lt;/p%26gt;

%26lt;p class="firstParags"%26gt;Hi, I'm some text%26lt;/p%26gt;

The CSS for this is:

#h1 {


font-family: "Bell Gothic Std Black", Georgia, sans-serif;

font-size: 24pt;


.firstParags {

font-family: Constantia, "Lucida Sans Unicode", serif;

font-size: 13.5pt;

text-align: justify;


The problem is that there is a larger gap below the first paragraph in FF. Why is it like this and how do I fix it?

In Firefox if I use css there is a large gap between p tags, how to make it like IE?microsoft live

Different browsers often have different default spacings. I always put this at the top of my stylesheets so that things will at least start out even:

* {

margin: 0;

padding: 0;


If that doesn't help, then more information is needed. A link to an example would help.

In Firefox if I use css there is a large gap between p tags, how to make it like IE?microsoft internet explorer internet explorer

first off, we can not tell these things with just that code.

and second off,


play around with the code

then, use the working code for ie, and place a link rel inside this comment:

%26lt;!--[if IE]%26gt;

actually, it is not ff that is broken, it is ie that is not standards compliant.

google "ie css broken" and you will see just th etip of the iceberg....

I suggest starting at quirksmode (or .org I forget). If you don't know what quirksmode is in your browser, you will never get ie to work right with xhtml and css.

but that is just the start.

you are not going to like going down this rabbit hole - I assure you - no one does.

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