Sunday, November 29, 2009

Why do people say ask someone out the worst they can say is no when its not true, ie you loose your

Why do people say ask someone out the worst they can say is no when its not true, ie you loose your mate...

Usually if a guy shows interest in a girl or likes her and she finds out. If shes not into him she wont be his freidn any more even if was best mate. And often will take their joint friends with her, turning them againast tyou, resulting in you getting ostracised out of a club and/or treated like some kind of perve when you just liked them, and cared for them. Plus would have been cool being mates if not fancied back.

Also why are things like that and how to cope not covered in sex ed?

Why do people say ask someone out the worst they can say is no when its not true, ie you loose your mate...?windows mobile 6

I think this is really sad. If you get fond of a girl and let her know then she turns against you she is really immature and not worth bothering with. There are reasonable people out there, please find them. A relationship with a counsellor may help you to keep you head while all this is going on.

Why do people say ask someone out the worst they can say is no when its not true, ie you loose your mate...?microsoft office 2003 internet explorer

I think if a girl acts like that then she really wasnt your friend..and if you werent friends in the first place then move on...there is really nothing u can do..u cant make her like you..if they are are going to act like that then they are immature and they will see it later that they liked u to but it will be too late bc u will be with someone already.. :) the reason why its not covered it sex ed is bc they want u to figure it out on your of lifes complications..
Us humans are so frustrating %26amp; confused.
i dont think i dare try and get with a bloke whos a friend if he didnt show an interest i rather be friends than nothin at all but a lot of women are like that unfortunately
it sounds like all you did was show your feeling for this girl , if she can't handle it then that her loss, don't be put off by one persons insecurity move on but be true to your self
Shes either very immature or shes scared, some people don't know how to react and feel that they cant be the same way with that person any more in case they think that they feel the same. Maybe she just needs some time away until she realises how much she misses having you around (even if it is just as a friend), just give her some time and space, if nothing does happen then she wasn't the person you thought she was, was she? so she isn't the girl you really like, so work on finding someone special :-)
That is just the way that life is, sadly.

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