Friday, November 20, 2009

IE-Why does my links toolbar keep alphabetizing automatically? I don't want them alphabetical!?

The same auto-alphabetizing of my Links toolbar just happened to me this week. It has never done this before, and I have not changed any IE or windows settings. So far, I have not found out why this is happening, but will post back if I learn the cause/fix.

IE-Why does my links toolbar keep alphabetizing automatically? I don't want them alphabetical!?windows live

It's built into Internet Explorer, and you can't change it.

I'd suggest moving away from using Internet Explorer - it's big, slow, insecure and very out of date.

Firefox is sleek, fast, more secure, up to date, and will easily copy your favourites over... on Firefox they're called Bookmarks.

Firefox is also very customizable -

you can make it into your ultimate browser with ad blocking and thousands of other add-ons.

you can also change the way it look like you do with Windows - they're called Themes. From simplistic to silly (like cat themes).

Trust me, you'll love Firefox!

IE-Why does my links toolbar keep alphabetizing automatically? I don't want them alphabetical!?windows media player 11 internet explorer

in addition to those other things, firefox leaks memory and crashes often when dealing with pdf files. In general its a quality browser, but I prefer Opera myself. Its faster and much more stable.

In any case, the previous poster is incorrect. I've never heard of IE automagically alphebetizing the links. Mine are not alphabetized (so its not possible that its built in), nor could I find a setting for such behavior. Perhaps you installed some tool which does this for you?

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