Friday, November 20, 2009

IE putting a border around a background image?

I want a box on my page with text starting on the left side and a background image on the right.

It looks fine in Firefox but in IE6 there's a grey line around the background image. I've tried to get rid of it by playing with "border" tags but I haven't found the right one. Anyone know how to get rid of this?

Any help is much appreciated.

The code:


background: #000 url(pics/bg.png) no-repeat top right;

padding: 5px;


border:1px solid #553;


IE putting a border around a background image?windows vista

Not sure on that code, but in basic html you want border=0

My guess is that border:1 is telling it to put an image border 1 pixel wide.

IE putting a border around a background image?windows defender internet explorer

As the other answerer said, you have to make the border 0.

Make a new img {

border: 0


in the css file and this should do it.

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