Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I installed IE 7.0. Now every time I go to IE, it shows the infamous "page cannot be displayed&

Now I cannot browse the web at all.

I installed IE 7.0. Now every time I go to IE, it shows the infamous "page cannot be displayed" error. help!microsoft office 2007

Forget IE7. Leave it where it is.

Get Firefox 2.0 and check out all the add-ons that can make your surfing easier and fun. Add-ons are small (only kB's in size) and easily installed into the browser.

(True, some webpages are best rendered by IE, but if you get the add-on called IE Tabs, you can view in an IE tab without any problem. The add-on can be activated or deactivated whenever you want by clicking an icon in the lower right of your browser.)

I installed IE 7.0. Now every time I go to IE, it shows the infamous "page cannot be displayed" error. help!windows media internet explorer

I suggest unistalling it I had problems with it bad. Would not let me check my e-mails or nothing. Not a good thing
Okay. IE7 fixes previous browser cache problems... sort of, except when you started with a browser cache from IE6 that was too large. When the browser cache becomes too large, you will experience the classic "Page cannot be displayed" error.

Try this:

Go to Tools, Internet Options, on the General Tab under Browsing History, select Settings. Change the "Disk space to use" to 50 (that's 50 MB). Click OK. Now under Browsing History, select Delete... Delete the temporary Internet files and the history. Do not delete the cookies or the passwords.

Most probably, the above will fix your problem.

If it does not, then you will need to consider the possibility of third party software incompatibility problems. The most likely culprit will be a third party firewall product. Some third party firewall products are infamous for continuing to block even after they have been turned off. The solution is to uninstall the product and then reinstall - if you are so inclined to continue to use it.

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