Saturday, April 24, 2010

All hail fruit heights CA and its mayor that has 2/3 the name of God. ie TODD Stevenson.?

i was in god the light in which there is no darkness.

if i had to lie i would say

don't try to buy an orphans rights.

cause you will become an orphan exactly the same amount of time of the orphan you tried to become. ie kills your DAD.

guess thats why some people(PPOL) say He is the EVIL ONE, the ruler of this world.

am i considered evil for noticing this?

All hail fruit heights CA and its mayor that has 2/3 the name of God. ie TODD Stevenson.?microsoft xp

Honey its either you did not explain yourself right or I'm not reading it right. you pick. God Bless. Love. Amen. (obiviously you were trying bash our Father God) Hope you get the help need. I'll pray for you. Love.

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