Saturday, April 24, 2010

Has anyone recently switched from Internet Explorer to Firefox because of all the technical issues w

I'm just curious if I was the only one having all these "login" problems. I think today I'm just going to switch over all my favorites to Firefox and be done with IE.

Are there any webpages that don't work with Firefox?

The problems I was having were logging into game sites such as bigfish games and my daughter's neopets... a few others that I can't remember, oh the vidoes were a problem before.

Any info on the differences would be great. Thanks.

Oh yeah, and Firefox has the old Yahoo Toolbar, which is great, now my whole family can have their own toolbar back with their own login, rather than having to log in and out of Microsoft! Big Smile!!!

Has anyone recently switched from Internet Explorer to Firefox because of all the technical issues with IE?windows server 2003

I am typing this answer using Firefox. I've been on Firefox for almost 2 years now, and will never go back to IE.

Firefox's old issues have been resolved, and it is approaching it's 3rd full release. It now offers the same range of compatibilities as IE without the lag and security issues. Plus, it is HIGHLY customizable with the add-ons ( I currently control WinAmp and MediaPlayer, get weather updates, email updates, can block entire ads or portions of webpages, change the way google and gmail look, and can download YouTube and other video site movies, all by using firefox add-ons).

Has anyone recently switched from Internet Explorer to Firefox because of all the technical issues with IE?windows xp service internet explorer

Switched to firefox 6 months ago, after being an IE user for years, can't remember the last time I used IE now. The fox is great
I have been useing mozzilla firefox for 5 years now.The only site that i know that does not work with firefox is msn games.
I did so and it's great, mozzila firefox is the best.
firefox always rocks for many many reasons .... the main reason is its relatively free from security threats, speed and interference is also good... and yeah infact there are a few pages that cant be seen correctly in firefox, sometimes it need additional softwares to see the particular webpage but it happens rarely means there r very few pages that cant be seen correctly on firefox.... so u can use IE for that kinda pages and for rest just use firefox
Yes I have switched but just bcoz its faster. Mozzila Firefox allows all pages apart from if you have McAfee Siteadviser which it stops you from going on dangerous sites. I am typing this using Firefox.

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