Saturday, April 24, 2010

10 POINTS!!! Guys do you prefer a woman who is innocent or knows about the world ie men?

10 POINTS!!! Guys do you prefer a woman who is innocent or knows about the world ie men?

whats more attractive in your eyes and why?

10 POINTS!!! Guys do you prefer a woman who is innocent or knows about the world ie men?replacement windows

a girl whos innocent but pretends like she knows about the world :) hell yes

10 POINTS!!! Guys do you prefer a woman who is innocent or knows about the world ie men?windows mail internet explorer

If I can only pick one I will pick innocent, but a little bit of worldliness isn't bad in most girls.
I would say I want a girl who is experienced in different parts of life then me. I like to do things with my girlfriend that she has never done before, and I want her to show me things I dont know anything about.
that depends. i personally do not go for the girl next door type. i prefer the girl around the corner. i think goodie goodie girls are aweful in bed and are too timid. so, long story short, i like the wild ones. but honestly, i don't think it really matters...everyone has their preference and if the entire package looks good about the person then, it's not that big of a deal.
I rather prefer a woman who knows about the world, in my eyes whats more attractive is knowledge and experience in every aspect, reason being.......I feel there is more connection and understanding one another.
Chocolate,As innocent and pure as a new born kitten ! I want a woman to love me and me alone ! Just as I would her.
Gimme the experienced lady any day. Anytime you're in the company of someone who's better at something (and sex is no exception) than you are, you become better at it yourself and you usually have a hell of a good time along the way. Yeah!

Has anyone ever measured how much CO2 is locked away every year by landfill trash , ie newspapers?


* Member since: August 15, 2006

* Total points: 184 (Level 1)

* Points earned this week:

* 10% Best answer

* 20 answers

Swen R


Has anyone ever measured how much CO2 is locked away every year by landfill trash , ie newspapers?

It seems that this is the easiest way to take CO2 out of the atmosphere and can be sustained fairly easily with fast growing trees. I Realize this doesn't sound eco-friendly but just a thought, it seems we are already creating future hydrocarbon deposits, geologically speaking.

Has anyone ever measured how much CO2 is locked away every year by landfill trash , ie newspapers?windows explorer

Since no one else has bothered to answer your question yet, I thought I would take a stab at it. Not that my information will be precise, but may be it will shed some light on how to quantify what would need to be done to show if this is feasible.

Based on the total coal, oil, natural gas, and any other carbon based fuel burned in a year, you must know the total amount in pounds and then know the percent of carbon in each type. Then, you could calculate the amount of carbon that would need to be buried. Trees, I believe are approx. 50% carbon, when completely dry, so approx. 2 pounds of dried wood per pound of carbon. The next problem is efficiently burying this material deep enough that the carbon is truly sequestered. Otherwise, the product will break down into CO2, methane, and other products that will escape and would negate the benefits. In fact, I would think that you would have to account for some of that happening.

One coal-fired plant that I live near burns 20,000 tons of coal A DAY. Every day. That's 40,000,000 pounds of coal a day. If the carbon content of the coal is 80%, then that is 32,000,000 pounds of carbon emitted as approximately 88,000,000 lbs of CO2. Assume a tree that would weigh 1,000 lbs when dried, it would take 2 of these trees to offset 1,000 lbs of carbon or approx. 64,000 trees per day to offset the carbon from this one plant.

Based on national numbers of 1026 million short tons of coal used in electricity production, that represents 2.05 trillion lbs of coal. Mulitply that by 80% to find carbon content gives 1.64 trillion pounds. Dividing that by the 1,000 pounds per tree and multiply by 2 because of the 50% carbon content of wood gives 1.64 billion trees per year or about 5 million trees per day.

Overall, while I can't say this is impossible, it does not seem to be the most cost effective way to perform this action. Remember, this number of trees only offsets the carbon released from burning coal in the production of electricity. There is another 88 million short tons (~8% more) coal used for other purposes as well as the millions of pounds of oil, gas, and natural gas burned every day. I would guess an additional 1- 2 million trees per day for natural gas burned for electricity and that doesn't count the oil used for gas. Assuming 20 million barrels a day of oil consumed in the US, 20*42*7 = 5.88 billion pounds of oil per day. Based on my rough calculations, that could add an additional 6 - 8 million trees for the oil. Therefore, the total number of trees required to balance the carbon from all these sources could be as high as 13-15 million trees per day.

Again, I am not saying it can't be done, but the magnitude of the solution may be not be the most economical way to remove carbon.

I have upgraded from XP Home to XP Pro, after that i started getting problems with MS Outlook and IE

I have upgraded from XP Home to XP Pro, after that i started getting problems with MS Outlook and IE, i'll put in SL. order

1) when i open IE it opens the home page which is google, but if i type any other address it gives me this message (The request lookup key was not found in any active activation context)

2. I have put my e-mail settings in MS Outlook as given by my e-mail provider , the outlook is also not working giving some error message. am not sure if this is something related to upgrade i have made, so can anyone help me out in fixing the problem.


I have upgraded from XP Home to XP Pro, after that i started getting problems with MS Outlook and IE?windows media player 10

If you have CCleaner I would recommend running it to find the problems and clear your registry. You probably have double entries and entries that are not needed and that's what is causing the errors and hang ups. If you don't have it you can download it for free.

I have upgraded from XP Home to XP Pro, after that i started getting problems with MS Outlook and IE?microsoft net internet explorer

Do fresh install.

Is there a way to hide your meta tags appearing in the top blue bar of IE?

When someone clicks on my website they can see the search words (meta tags) I use for the web domain in the very top blue bar in IE.

For instance, right now as I am in Yahoo! Answers typing this, in the blue bar at the very top I see "Yahoo! Answers - Get answers, ask questions, find information - Microsoft Internet Explorer"

My website is

The words "Stained Glass Window Panels Amia Joan Baker Suncatcher Cat" will appear.

I don't want that to show. Is there a way to hide my search tags and have nothing or choose what I want to display in the blue bar while keeping my current meta tags?

Thank you!

Is there a way to hide your meta tags appearing in the top blue bar of IE?microsoft powerpoint

Your keywords are showing because they are part of the TITLE tag on your page. Anything between the %26lt;TITLE%26gt;%26lt;/TITLE%26gt; will appear in the IE browser title bar.

You need to add META tags to your code that you can enter a site description and keywords in. See the link below to read more about META tags.

Good Luck!

What is wrong with a person who no matter what they do legally to support their family they fail?IE.

What is wrong with a person who no matter what they do legally to support their family they fail?ie.They can't hold onto a legitimate job, can't start their own legitimate business.What's wrong with a person who has the initiative and drive, to go back to College then has all sorts of obstacles that are not of their own doing , but they continue to persevere, however they still lack less than 20 hours from obtaining a Bachelor's degree ,and finally because they are not credit worthy they cannot get funds to continue their education, so in the end they can't complete the College Degree program. Yet , if they engage in criminal activity they seem to prosper beyond measure, and gain fiancially and economically, but as soon they try to use the money for a legitimate,positive purpose,or goal , they again fail.Are they just natural born criminals? or just spiritual and societal failures ie....LOSERS, and if so how can they stop being LOSERS? These people are a success at being Failures.

What is wrong with a person who no matter what they do legally to support their family they fail?IE.hold a jobmicrosoft live

I believe that God has a plan for each and everyone of us. What the individual plan is is up to that person to figure out. Maybe it is a test to seee if they will turn to being a criminal .I would suggest that if you are a believer pray alittle harder have friends and family pray for you never give up on the prayer and I feel that things will have to change. I also believe that we are getting very close to the last days before Christs return and the testing could become very hard and intense but I also believe that Christ is walking us through it all.

What is wrong with a person who no matter what they do legally to support their family they fail?IE.hold a jobmicrosoft internet explorer internet explorer

Maybe they have ADD
it's not the person, it's the system they are trying to thrive within
maybe they should stop thinking of criminal activity as being successful. given time and hard work they will be successful. i think there are a lot of other issues that need to be addressed before this is even looked at.
It's not about what happens to you in life, ITS HOW YOU DEAL WITH IT. Some of the most special, loving people I've had the pleasure of meeting screwed up everything, even though they HAD NOTHING BUT GOOD INTENTIONS! Does this make them any less considerate? As you stated ,"NO MATTER WHAT THEY DO" implies they've tried VERY hard to live up to expectations.

Obviously, the way you describe college, your heart is too busy trying to live up to others expectations that you aren't finding meaning in education. Use your down time to start a solid foundation in life :eat healthy, exercise, show the ones you love HOW MUCH YOU CARE, take a break from the un-ending monotony that has you in this position to begin with.

As far as illegal endeavors, if you look at Rockefeller or pretty much anyone of true wealth, they didn't exactly do it legally and they were extremely unhappy despite their wealth...

The word "loser" implies you see life as a game. Their are no winners and no losers, just people living. If you see your life as a means to and end you've already "lost". The meaning is the journey.
SEEK GOD'S PLAN for you. If you are not a believer, better believe now and everything will be easy or at least a HOPE is always there. Thanks.

Has anyone recently switched from Internet Explorer to Firefox because of all the technical issues w

I'm just curious if I was the only one having all these "login" problems. I think today I'm just going to switch over all my favorites to Firefox and be done with IE.

Are there any webpages that don't work with Firefox?

The problems I was having were logging into game sites such as bigfish games and my daughter's neopets... a few others that I can't remember, oh the vidoes were a problem before.

Any info on the differences would be great. Thanks.

Oh yeah, and Firefox has the old Yahoo Toolbar, which is great, now my whole family can have their own toolbar back with their own login, rather than having to log in and out of Microsoft! Big Smile!!!

Has anyone recently switched from Internet Explorer to Firefox because of all the technical issues with IE?windows server 2003

I am typing this answer using Firefox. I've been on Firefox for almost 2 years now, and will never go back to IE.

Firefox's old issues have been resolved, and it is approaching it's 3rd full release. It now offers the same range of compatibilities as IE without the lag and security issues. Plus, it is HIGHLY customizable with the add-ons ( I currently control WinAmp and MediaPlayer, get weather updates, email updates, can block entire ads or portions of webpages, change the way google and gmail look, and can download YouTube and other video site movies, all by using firefox add-ons).

Has anyone recently switched from Internet Explorer to Firefox because of all the technical issues with IE?windows xp service internet explorer

Switched to firefox 6 months ago, after being an IE user for years, can't remember the last time I used IE now. The fox is great
I have been useing mozzilla firefox for 5 years now.The only site that i know that does not work with firefox is msn games.
I did so and it's great, mozzila firefox is the best.
firefox always rocks for many many reasons .... the main reason is its relatively free from security threats, speed and interference is also good... and yeah infact there are a few pages that cant be seen correctly in firefox, sometimes it need additional softwares to see the particular webpage but it happens rarely means there r very few pages that cant be seen correctly on firefox.... so u can use IE for that kinda pages and for rest just use firefox
Yes I have switched but just bcoz its faster. Mozzila Firefox allows all pages apart from if you have McAfee Siteadviser which it stops you from going on dangerous sites. I am typing this using Firefox.

How to remove password set in the Content Advisor in the Content tab in the Internet Option in the I

I am the new user of one of the company computer, and the computer cannot online even though the connection to the internet is on. Everytime when i lauch IE, the IE just prompt a windows and ask me for Content Advisor Password, and said that this page is not rate so cannot launch. Since i am the new user of the computer, i dunno the password set by the previous user. Where can i disable this or delete the password? I ask the company to call back the previous user for the password but i get no response. Thanks a lot!

How to remove password set in the Content Advisor in the Content tab in the Internet Option in the IE?microsoft exchange

follow the steps:

-- open the internet exploer

-- Go to Tools menu

-- Click internet options

-- go to Content tab.

-- there is last group of personal information, at there click on Auto Complete

-- you find two buttons clear forms and clear passwords......

after clicking your needed button you erased all informaton about passwords and forms from the internet....

How to remove password set in the Content Advisor in the Content tab in the Internet Option in the IE?windows vista ultimate internet explorer

click on: "sign in by your own account"

or go to:

Internet options %26gt; content %26gt; Auto Complete %26gt; Clear Password

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